School Cash Online
With School Cash Online, parents have the convenient and secure option of paying for school items (such as field trips, hot lunch, etc.) online 24/7.
Registered parents can see their payment history, print receipts and receive email notifications whenever new student fees are posted for their child.
Grade | Fees |
Kindergarten to Grade 3 | $20 |
Grade 4 | $28 |
PreK 3 (2 days a week) | $25/month |
PreK4 (3 days a week) | $45/month |
Daycare | $249/month* |
Out of School Care | Fees Vary |
Swim Fees | $32 |
Service Fees apply |
Should you have any questions regarding School Fees, contact the school at 780-826-3485
*Includes the Childcare Affordability Grant